Dear poets: After the moments, the hours and days go by, there´s the emptyness of the adrenaline shared in five days that seem years because of the warmth and hugs. Each and every one of you have left me personally a scent, a word, a gesture, laugh, etc. This edition has been beautiful, I always find them beautiful but this has had an imprint, a je ne sais quois.
I want to share with every one of you this beautiful composition y musicalization of my poem “Blood with strings of Silk”, from my book “The deer´s protege”, editorial Último Reino, that was generously made by the composer, musician and poet from Bahia, Brasil, Sérgio Di Ramos. I send it attached.
To every one of you I thank that between us all and with the quality of the poetry of this 12º Aleph, we have reached –like the name of my Publisher- the last kingdom.
And of course, a special thanks to the creator of this  gift that took me by surprise

This is not ending, it is just beginning. I hug and love you.

Graciela Aráoz (FIP Director)