The International Poetry Festival of Buenos Aires is a yearly event that brings together poets from different continents, provinces of Argentina and the City of Buenos Aires. It has become the largest in our country and, according to the specialized press, is the third most important worldwide.

The Festival was held for ten years within the framework of the International Book Fair. From the 2016 edition on,  it  was organized independently in different places of the city. 


Since the beginning, we aimed at finding writers and readers from all walks of life, including prisons and hospitals. Among the poets who have participated in the International Poetry Festival of Buenos Aires, to name a few among the seven hundred authors, are Antonio Gamoneda from Spain (Cervantes Prize), Luis García Montero, also from Spain, Luisa Futoransky (Argentina / France), Jacobo Rauskin (Paraguay), Kasuko Shiraishi (Japan), German Belli (Peru), Susy Delgado (Paraguay), Aitana Alberti (Argentina-Spain-Cuba), Nancy Morejón (Cuba), Antón Arrufat and César López (both National Prize of Cuba), Rigoberto Paredes (Honduras), Otoniel Guevara (El Salvador), Ramón Palomares (Venezuela), the candidate for the Nobel Prize Cees Nooteboom (Holland), Juan Carlos Mestre (Spain), Zakaria Mohamed (Palestine), Teresa Calderón (Chile), Alex Pausides, President of the Union of Cuban Artists (UNEAC), Temsula Äo (India), Ida Vitale (Uruguay, Reina Sofía Prize and Cervantes Prize), as well as the Argentine poets Hugo Padeletti , Diana Bellessi, Hugo Mugica, Mirta Rosenberg, Arturo Carrera and Víctor Redondo.



Festivals like ours  set trends and discover new voices, especially in poetry, because as 9-year-old Fernando said “the poet is someone who has discovered something in the world” and the world without poetry is a world without music. We consider that sharing poetry through festivals, meetings, recitals or contests is a key  tool for the Ministries of Education and Culture, as well as the popular and public libraries and bookstores to sponsor, promote and help bridge the gap between poets and readers.


This Festival integrates the different disciplines of art: performance, music, dance and new media.


We have been declared of Cultural Interest by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for both the IPF and the International School of Poetry (Resolution 275/2018), as well as a recognition by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of the Argentine Republic of Educational Interest in 2018 (Resolution 2018-39-APN-MESCYT).


Our International School of Poetry was an initiative of the World Poetry Movement / Movimiento Poético Mundial, of which we are founders. At our IPF,  different poets give informal and challenging workshops for a young audience. We have incorporated a new workshop dedicated to teachers and librarians of great interest. In general, the School workshops have made us achieve one of our greatest objectives: to attract readers, especially young people.