The FIP (= acronyms for International Poetry Festival) is defined in terms of its spread of reading and writing poetry, intercultural action, artistic encounter, inclusion and the promotion of new trends the genre takes up- such as the new
technologies, among others.

Formation is an important axe and the International School of Poetry was created on such idea.

The  FIP -Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival- , is an event held every year and it congregates poets from different continents, countries and provinces from our country, Argentina. It has become the largest in our nation and it is acknowledged by literary journalism as the third as far as international relevance is concerned.

During ten years the FIP was held in the same premises the Buenos Aires Book Fair still has today. Ever since its first edition in 2006 we started to stress our presence in the city streets as well as visiting prison houses and hospitals. In later editions we decided to hold three days of events in the fair and another three in some spots in the city of Buenos Aires.

Due to its evident growth our FIP really demanded fresh premises, a more appropriate spot for public poetry readings, one which could also grant the necessary flexibility to set different stages where poetry could be taken.

It’s thirteen years now that this FIP -Festival Internacional de Poesía de Buenos Aires- continues to hold its editions; this has happened uninterruptedly and always sticking to the same original principles.

Throughout our twelve editions we haved received some 450 poets (who are listed in both our FIP website as in our Facebook page). Some of them have set the main key to the world’s lyrics during the last decades. We mean to say winners of the Cervantes prize such as Antonio Gamoneda (Spain); Carlos Germán Belli (Perú), Kasuko Shiraishi (who opened our first edition, a Japanese lady, a member and a friend of Allen Ginsberg whith whom she recorded a C.D); Antonio Palomares (Venezuela), Juan Calzadilla (Venezuela), Juan Manuel Roca (Colombia), Zakarías Mohamed (Palestine), Roberto Fernández Retamar (Cuba), Luisa Futoransky, Víctor r Redondo and a long list of actual relevance that be found consulting the internet).

This festival counts on several seats and usually produces street artistic events: we mean it is a space which becomes stronger in importance every time. We work with poetry’s new ways of saying and the new digital formats; we mainly put together different art disciplines: drama, performatic actions, singer song- writers, audio visual productions and the like.

We count on the third International School of Poetry is part of us – as far as we are founders of the World Poetry Movement / Movimiento Poético Mundial . This tends to create schools to attract new readers and provide non-formal workshops to show how exciting reading poetry can be and also as an aid to consider the poetic experience from different viewpoints – in an attempt to eventually provide some answers to questions which otherwise seem only too simple: what is poetry? , what are we to do with a collection of poems ?, where does a poems come from?, what’s the ultimate aim of poetry?, what does a poem operate on us?
Reading poetry is learning how to discover yourself.

The axes of the festival are promotion, training, diversity, vulnerability, integration of the arts, gender equity and cultural and language exchange.

As of 2016 the FIP takes place at the CCK, originally the luxury premises to the old Main or Central Post Office. This cultural center is the largest in Latina America and the third in the world.

This Festival is supported by Sistema Federal de Medios y Comunicación de la Presidencia Argentina, from the CCK, the embassies from different countries as well as the specific work done year after year by the SEA applying for international scholarhips/fellowhips.

We know that promoting poetry is not an easy task but with our team we do it with pleasure, the only way to achieve our goals and get joyfully to this party we celebrate together every year.